To stanch the growing loss of young talent in cancer research and help prepare a new generation of leaders in the field, the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research has established a Leadership Fellows Program to enable exceptionally gifted young scientists to launch an independent research program immediately upon the completion of their graduate studies and provide them with the mentorship essential to success.

Specifically, the Ludwig Fellowship offers up to five years of support, including as much as $350,000 a year to cover all of the following: a salary set by the host institution, the engagement of one full-time equivalent employee and research and laboratory expenses. A total equivalent of $150,000 for equipment will also be available to the Fellows, who will additionally have full access to state-of-the-art equipment at the Branch. An academic title and laboratory space will be provided by the Ludwig Branch’s host institution.

Successful candidates will be appointed at one of three Ludwig Branches—in Princeton, Oxford or Lausanne—and provided their own laboratory space along with the resources required to establish an independent research program. A mentoring committee will guide and advise each Ludwig Leadership Fellow on a regular basis.

Applicants must indicate an area of interest compatible with one of the research areas at the Ludwig Branches. Click the links below for an overview of research areas at the three locations:

Applicants must be prepared to move to the location of a Ludwig Branch.

Leadership Fellows will be formally reviewed at the end of the third year, with continued participation in the Fellowship contingent upon a successful review. Those who leave after three years in the Program will be offered bridge funding to ease their transition to new positions. After the full five years, successful Fellows may be offered a position at the Branch on a Member track or in some other capacity.

Outstanding candidates who, at the time of application, are in graduate school or received a PhD or MD within the past year. Candidates still in graduate school will be expected to have obtained their degree before starting the Fellowship.

To apply for this exciting opportunity, please visit the Ludwig Cancer Research website